To support the growing technology and innovation capacity of the Eswatini youth, SEDCO in partnership with ESCCOM and UNDP calls for the expression of interest from youth-owned businesses for a partnership to operate an ICT Hub (iHub) in Pigg’s Peak. The incumbent shall be provided with the initial infrastructure and necessary amenities to kickstart operations at the centre.
SEDCO is seeking a competent Operator of experience, creativity, and capability to manage the ICT Hub as a self-sustaining and thriving centre offering a collaborative environment and space for entrepreneurship development, apprenticeship, and innovation and adoption of ICT by SMEs. The Operator needs to propose a program that is flexible, accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to the youth, women and PWDs of the nearby communities in particular. The Program should curate a variety of creative market-rate and community services and activities that can coexist and interact innovatively. SEDCO shall perform three major roles; (i) Program management (ii) Property/infrastructure management, and (iii) Customer outreach.
SEDCO intends to incubate and enter into an initial 12-month agreement with the selected Operator with agreed terms and deliverables. SEDCO may terminate the Agreement if the targets of set Key Performance Indicators for the Hub are not achieved. The Operator may be a legal entity or a team of qualified individuals committed to establishing a legal entity before entering into the Agreement. The Operator will devise a comprehensive Program that is expected to evolve with input from SEDCO and its partners, customers, and the community, within the lifetime of the Agreement. The hub should be a place for building human resources capacities in technologies for national transformation and the programs must be aligned with those of the SME development and innovation agenda. SEDCO will not prescribe a specific business model, however, will support a business with the potential to scale quickly, but also wish to foster an inclusive, supportive
The application process will serve as a guide to identify a company’s potential growth, business challenges, and knowledge, in addition to the applicant’s potential to mobilize resources for the centre. Applications close on the 19th of January 2024. To apply, click on this link:
Terms of reference: